Current Settings
Current Settings
Spigot 1.16.1
The world will be split into different nations. A player will be picked to be in charge of said nation. There will have to be rules per nation and the leader can lead it as they see fit. You cannot attack your own citizens but you can attack other citizens.
Pricing Tiers - wip
Pricing Tiers - wip
Access to Widowcraft server public areas and those of your nation
Open 1 vending machine
Have 1 plot of land
All the above
up to 3 vending machines
Monthly gift
up to 2 plots of land
All the above
up to 5 vending machines
up to 3 plots of land
All the above
Can purchase up to 10 plots of land
Can have up to 10 vending machines
2 Monthly gifts
Obtaining Access
Obtaining Access